Výběr povolání|Životopis|Průvodní dopis|Pohovor|Nástup do práce|Kariéra
Name: | Hugo Ross, Ing. |
Date of Birth: | 1. 1. 1974 |
Marital status: | single |
Address: | Poděbradská 113, Praha, 150 00 |
Telephone: | 060X/111111, 0X/111111 |
E-mail: | hugoross@hugoross.cz |
Nationality: | Czech |
1992 - 1997 | Czech University of Agriculture in Prague course: computer science thesis theme: Human Resource Management in Organization Final examination subjects: Design of IS, Finance, Law, Economics |
1988-1992 | Grammar-school - LondonCity, London, Great Britain course: computer science |
Training | Selling skills I., II. - Mercury, 2002 HR Manager - Aditus, 2001 |
1/ 2010 - today | Project manager Acesta-Job.info - job search information Team leading (programmers, testers, analysts) |
9/ 1995 - 7/ 2009 | Entrepreneur human resource counselling HR strategy, organizational culture, recruitment, HR audit |
11/1998 - 1/2002 | I. Česká výrobní, a.s., HR specialist recruitment, labor law, wages |
1/1994 - 10/1998 | BZU Praha,a.s., computer technicist management of computers nets /during study/ |
Languages: | English: - upper intermediate German:- beginner |
Driving licence: | A, B |
Computer skills: | MS Windows, MS Office, HTML, MS Project, Statgraphics, SPSS, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator, internet |
sport (squash, mountain bike) non-fiction literature photography philately |
Téma Životopis, Curriculum vitae anglicky:
Curriculum Vitae, Resume
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